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Admission to PhD Programmes for July 2020 Session

Departments / Centres offering PhD Programmes and
Available Areas of Research for July 2020 Session Admission

Important Announcement:
  • You need to choose (at least three) Areas of Research according to your interest for your PhD thesis work from the following table and mention it in the online application form.
  • Also you need to write a one-page write up on proposed research work (in any one of your chosen areas of interests from the available areas of research given below) for your PhD thesis and upload it in PDF format.
  • In the online application form, you have to provide Names (and Email Addresses) of two Referees who are familiar with your academic credentials and character, and can help us with their assessment of your academic potential for PhD. If you are called for the selection process, then IIT Guwahati will contact your referees over email to provide the letter of reference detailing assessment of your academic potential for PhD,

Department/ Centre Available Areas of Research Link to Poster/ Dept./ Centre
Computer Science and Engineering Artificial Intelligence, Interpretability of AI and ML Models, Online Learning, Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems, Data Mining, NLP, Speech processing, Computer Vision, Augmented/virtual reality, Human-Computer Interaction, Nature-inspired Algorithms, Intelligent and Networked Robotics, Wireless Networks, Software-defined networking, IoT, Smart Grid, Network Security, Controller Synthesis and Games, Formal Verification, High-level Synthesis, Hardware Security, Intelligent Transportation Systems. Data Structures, Algorithms, Distributed Algorithms, Randomization, Approximation, Optimization, Computational Geometry, Distributed Systems, Multicore Architecture, Memory Systems, Near Memory Computing, Desegregated Storage and Compute Systems, Approximate Computing, Edge Computing, Autonomous Vehicles. CSE Department
Electronics and Electrical Engineering Communication Engineering: Wireless Communications; Information Theory and Coding; Communication Networks; Computer Networks; Computational Photography; Data Compression; and Cryptography. Signal Processing, Machine Learning and Data Sciences: Biomedical Signal and Medical Image Processing; Speech and Handwriting Processing; Image/Video Processing and Computer Vision; Pattern Recognition; Multimedia Analytics; Biometrics; Counter-spoofing; Security and Privacy. Power Engineering: Power Systems; Power Electronics; Power Quality; Power electronics application in power system; Micro grid and renewable energy resources; Power distribution system planning; Custom power devices; Electrical Machines; Control of Electrical Drives; Smart Grids and Electric Vehicles; High Voltage Engineering; High Voltage Engineering and Applied Electromagnetics; Condition Monitoring of Power Apparatuses; High voltage and Pulse power. Systems, Control and Automation: Systems Theory; Control Theory and Applications; Control of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems; Artificial Intelligence based Control; Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems; Relay Based Identification and Autotuning; Adaptive Control; Optimal Control; Robotics and Automation; Cryptography. VLSI: Solid-State Devices; Analog and RF Integrated Circuits; Digital Systems; DSP Architectures; CAD for VLSI; High Performance Computing; MEMS; Organic Electronics; Flexible Electronics; Instrumentation. RF and Microwave: Antenna; Microwave Engineering; Electromagnetics; Computational Electromagnetics. Photonics: Fiber Optic Communication; Optoelectronics; Optical Communication and Networks; Optical Sensors; Microwave and Photonics; Optical Instrumentation; Plasmonics and metamaterials and smart electrotuneable plasmonic metasystems; Silicon photonics. EEE Department
Mechanical Engineering

Isogeometric analysis, computational contact mechanics, Advanced kinematics, Robotics, Mechanical Vibration, Nonlinear Dynamics and Control, Hydrodynamic Bearings, Tribology, Smart Materials & Smart Structures, Composite Materials and Structures, Noise, Vibration and Harshness in Electric Vehicles.

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Dynamics of Self-propelling Nematic Droplets, Experimental Microfluidics, fluid-structure interaction, Vortex induced vibration, Large eddy simulation, Computational Gas Dynamics, Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Porous medium combustion, Thermal Energy Storage, Artificial intelligence in CFD (AI-CFD)

Additive manufacturing, Data-Driven Manufacturing & Industry 4.0, Structural Topology Optimization, Molecular Dynamics, Materials Engineering, Smart Materials & Smart Structure, CAD CAM, Biomechanics and gait analysis, Welding and joining

ME Department
Civil Engineering Environment Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Infrastructure Engineering & Management, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Earth System Science and Engineering. Click here for more details. CE Department
Biosciences and Bioengineering All Areas of Biosciences and Bioengineering. BSBE Department
Chemical Engineering All Areas of Chemical Engineering. Chemical Engineering Department
Design Visual communication (including art & visual culture); Service design; Design for sustainability; System design; Design strategy; Product design and development; Frugal Design and Engineering; Inclusive design; Design for health and well-being; Human Computer Interaction (HCI); Interaction and Usability engineering; Virtual Reality (VR); Voice and Conversational User Interfaces; Assistive Interfaces; User interaction on flexible displays; Deformation-based input methods; Information Communication Technology for Development (ICTD); Input methods for digital interfaces; Ergonomics (including Occupational health and safety); Design Management; Design creativity and innovation studies; Design education and pedagogy. Design Department

Condensed Matter & Statistical Physics – biomaterials, cold atoms, quantum computation, computational materials physics, materials for energy and environmental applications, ferroelectric and oxide materials, Graphene and analogue atomic thin materials, organic semiconductors, semiconducting materials, smart magnetic materials, Multiferroics, Luttinger liquids, soft condensed matter, spintronics, statistical physics, Percolation, Network, Self-organization, Active matters and collective motion, Quantum turbulence and non-linear instabilities in BEC, strongly correlated systems, superconductivity, topological insulators, quantum turbulence, quantum phase transitions, ultracold atoms in optical lattices, nanomaterials and nanotechnology, polymer physics, AdS/CMT, Magnetohydrodynamics.

Laser and Photonics – Super resolution microscopy, optical tweezer, free space communication, Fiber Optics, Laser Matter Interaction, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics, terahertz plasmonics and metamaterials, Quantum optomechanics.

High Energy Physics – Theory and phenomenology: Dark matter phenomenology, Neutrino physics, Heavy flavor physics, Collider physics, Standard Model Precision calculations, aspects of CP violation, Matter-antimatter asymmetry, Astro-particle physics/ Cosmological connections, Inflation, Effective Field Theory in particle and nuclear physics, Physics of exotic hadrons. Experimental particle Physics: B-Physics and neutrino Physics

Astrophysics, Gravity & Cosmology – Classical & quantum aspects of gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics – Black hole Physics, Theoretical Cosmology, Phenomenology of AdS/CFT, Astrophysical flows, Ultra high energy cosmic rays, Black hole thermodynamics, Quantum field theory on curved spacetime.

Physics Department
Chemistry All Areas of Chemistry. Chemistry Department

Mathematics: Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Harmonic analysis, Complex Analysis, Computational Complex Analysis, Complex Dynamics, Fractals, Numerical Linear Algebra, Matrix Analysis, Spectral Perturbation Theory, Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Biology, Fluid Dynamics, Mathematical Probability, Algebraic Number Theory

Probability and Statistics: Mathematical Finance, Applied Probability, Stochastic Processes, Queueing Theory

Computer Science: Cyber Security and Privacy, Online Social Networks, Network Management and Operations, Algorithms, Distributed Algorithms, Network Algorithms, Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks, Complexity Theory.

Mathematics Department
Humanities and Social Sciences 1. Economics; 2. Linguistics (Phonetics and Phonology); 3. Psychology; 4. Sociology (Science, Technology & Society Studies). HSS Department
Energy All the areas related to renewable energy, Smart grid, Li-ion battery storage, Solar energy material, Solar Thermal, Clean coal technology, Biofuel cell, Cellulosic Bioethanol by recombinant enzymes, Internal combustion engine and alternative fuels, Energy efficiency and energy storage, Porous medium combustion, Biomass pyrolysis to biooil & value added products, hydrogen production and storage, CO2 to methanol, biooil via CTL, Energy material synthesis, Electronic design, Energy computation and simulation, device fabrication. Centre for Energy
Environment Environmental Organic and Inorganic Chemistry/ Biotechnology/ Economics/ Engineering; Bioengineering; Biopolymers and Biomacromolecules; Environmental Chemical Biology; Waste Water Treatment and supply; Solid Waste Management; CO2 Capture/storage; Atmospheric Chemistry; Air Quality monitoring; Environmental Hydraulics; Environmental Genomics; Environmental aspects of Algal Biotechnology; and Other emerging areas of environment with interdisciplinary application of science, technology, arts and humanities. Centre for Environment
Nanotechnology Nano/Bio Materials Science and Engineering; NanoTheranostic Devices; Nano/Bio-Electronics and Sensors; Experimental and Computational studies of micro- and nano-fluidics, Molecular Simulations; Polymer self-assembly; Polymer Nanocomposites; Nano Devices and Applications; Flow Chemistry; Catalysis for Energy; Energy Applications; All areas of Chemistry and Physics including Nanoscale Materials, Polymers, Optoelectronics, and Photonic applications. Centre for Nanotechnology
Poster for PhD in Nanotechnology
Rural Technology Vulnerability and Adaptation in Agriculture sector, Mechanical processing of agricultural wastes, Agriculture residue, Technology adoption in agriculture, Biodegradation of solid waste, Rural solid waste management, Rural water supply, Rural Sanitation, Plant Tissue Culture and Secondary Metabolite Production, Design and Development of Rural Implements, Food processing. Centre for Rural Technology
Linguistic Science and Technology Language Processing, Computational Phonology, Speech Analysis, Spoken Language Resources, Neuroimaging of Language disorders. Language and Cognition, Quantitative Phonetics, User Interface, Script Processing, Type Design and Typography, Language Acquisition and Visual Attention. Centre for Linguistic Science & Technology
Doctoral Program in Interdisciplinary Research 1. Investigation of enzyme reactions in densely crowded Mitochondria in living cells;
2. Optimal RADAR sensor placement in tactically important areas;
3. Exploring Neural Networks for Algorithmic Problems;
4. Lightweight Hybrid Impact Resistant Materials with Shear Thickening Fluid Filled 3D Printed Microlattice;
5. Waste bioplastic products as soil fertilizer: An appraisal based on soil and plant growth parameters;
6. Plasmonic metamaterials based tunable infrared filters for photonic applications;
7. Investigating the Impact of Energy Efficient and Environment Friendly LGP Operated Porous Radiant Burners and Methanol based Canister-stove on National Economy and Living Standard of the mankind;
8. A Systematic and Continuous Monitoring of Surface Water Quantity and Quality using Geospatial Technology;
9. Manual Lifting of Passenger Car (Heavy Load) with Mechanical Device: User Centered Design Approach;
10. Biomedical Evaluation of Indian Made Implants for Spine Surgery;
11. Design of Blast and Impact Resisting Bunker with Combining UHPC Casing with RE Wall Technology of TechSpan Capable of Withstanding Pressure Rise of 10 Bar and Modern Missile Threat;
12. Machine Learning Based Human Gait Analysis for Healthcare;
13. Security in Distributed Shared Memory;
14. Climate Resilient Infrastructure for City of Guwahati
Doctoral Program in Interdisciplinary Research

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